Reviews on: Kurihara Tea: Oku Yame Black Tea

Description seller :  Meant to be drunk without sugar, the light taste is produced precisely because it uses tea leaves that are generally considered perfect for sencha green tea. Made with 100% Yamecha tea leaves. Comes in 50 gram bag pictured here.

Product Description

Japan is certainly not known for its black tea, but innovative and dedicated farmers are learning to produce delicious leaf with sencha. And the black tea leaf created by the Kurihara family, one of Japan’s best at creating a premium green tea called gyokuro, introduces a new dimension to black teas. Meant to be drunk without sugar, the light taste is produced precisely because it uses tea leaves that are generally considered perfect for sencha green tea. We recommend pairing this black tea with your favorite Japanese dish.


  • NAME:  Oku Yame Black Tea
  • INGREDIENTS : 100% Yame-grown tea leaves
  • PRODUCER:   Kippei, Yuji, and Akio Kurihara (Father and sons)


  • NAME:  Kurihara Seicha Ltd.
  • LOCATION :  4236 Kita Yabe, Yabe-mura, Yame-shi, Fukuoka Prefecture 834-1401, JAPAN
  • SIZE / # of FIELDS :  About 3 hectares
  • ALTITUDE :  300 – 700 meters

Hodnocení čaj roomu :  

  • Použité stejné lístky, ze kterého se vyrábí Sencha
  • Yabukita cultivar,
  • Listy jsou černé malé a točené do tvaru U, vypadají velmi křehce.
  • Vůně je sladká po medu a senu
  • Chuť je svérázná, nasládlá, příjemná s lahodnými tóny medu a citrusů.
  • Dochuť je medově chlebová, přetrvá dlouze v ústech.
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů

Má příprava:

  • Objem: 1,5 dcl
  • Teplota vody: 95 °C
  • Množství čaje: cca 4-5 g
  • Doba loužení: 1-2 min.

To je výborný čaj pro lidi, pro které je běžný černý čaj příliš silný. Doporučuji ochutnat jeden z mála černých čajů, který  byl vyrobeny v Japonsku.

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Čaj room is an information website (not only) about tea.We recommend just the products, which has been tested by ourselfs. Čajroom offers advertising only for a tea sample. We test the sample, make a photo of it, add your text and link and also express our own opinion and recommendation.