Sencha from Miyazaki, Oku Yutaka cultivar

Description seller: Another gem from Miyazaki Prefecture, from Miyakonojô city more precisely, this tea is produced from leaves from tea plants of the excellent Oku Yutaka cultivar.

It is a normal steamed sencha, with beautiful emerald green leaves, nicely rolled into uniformly shaped needles. Their fragrance is that of an exemplary sencha, sweet and slightly grassy. Its gorgeous, perfectly translucent, luminous green liquor is also classic. Its clearness belies the fact that it is very flavourful, rich in umami, very mellow and sweet, with a vegetal aftertaste in the background, which gives this tea an exquisite balance. Altogether, the combination evokes floral flavours from tropical forests.

This is a tea produced with great care, and which does credit to Miyazaki Prefecture, which should be better known for the first-class teas it produces.


Type of tea: Futsumushi sencha (normal steamed sencha)
Origin: Miyakonojô Town, Miyazaki Prefecture
Cultivar: Oku Yutaka
Harvest: May 2013 (first spring harvest, ichiban cha)


Steeping method


    Quantity of leaves: 5 g / 1.5 tsp

    Quantity of water: 70 ml / 1/4 cup

    Water temperature : 70°C / 158°F

    Steeping time : 60-70 seconds



  • Standartní sencha z kultivaru Oku Yutaka
  • Krásně smaragdově zelené jehličkové listy
  • Světle zelený nálev
  • Velmi jemná měkká sladká chuť bohatá na umami
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů


Další výborný čaj z prefektury Mijazaki kultivaru Oku Yutaka. Čaj přišel opět vakuově balený, díky tomu zůstal svěží, má velmi jemnou sladkou měkkou chuť, která je bohatá na umami ,při pití evokuje květinové aroma tropického pralesa. Čaj si zaslouží pozornost a stojí za ochutnání…


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