Darjeeling First Flush Black Tea 2013 – Longview Queen

Description: Long slender wiry fresh aromatic greenish leaves of this first flush of 2013 from Longview tea estate is aromatically entwined into a luxurious temptation of leaves. It exudes fresh aroma, which has fruity and floral characteristics, typical of first flush teas of high graded Clonal AV2 tea leaves of the Darjeeling hills. Perfect entertainer for any tea leaves for any first flush tea lover.


Name: Longview Queen

Origin: Darjeeling

Grade: SFTGFOP1 (Clonal AV2)

Garden: Longview Tea Estate

Flush: First Flush 2013

Type: Black Tea

Colour: Fresh Green


Smell: The dry leaves of this Longview first flush Darjeeling tea is characterized by fruity and floral aromas and has a distinct first flush smell of Darjeeling Tea with slight astringency.

The infused leaves exuded strong floral and fruitiness characteristics which was sensed even after three infusions of lengths five, six and eight minutes.


Liquor: A light coppery liquor was got from a 5 minute steeping, at around 95 degrees centigrade. The Liquor turned up to have mild to strong floral notes.

A good measure for a cup is advised since this tea happens to be volumetric.


A good second liquor was got from a second infusion at a water temperature of 95 degree centigrade and the leaves was re-infused for 6 minutes. The liquor still had its fruitiness and floral characteristics but with a slight diminished strength.


A  good third infusion was also made at the same temperature for a steeping period of 8 minutes. The colour of the liquor remained the same as of the initial one.

Aftertaste: The tea has sweet aftertaste which lingers for a while long. This tea with its in between characteristics(neither too strong nor too light) is good both as a morning/breakfast tea and as an afternoon tea.



  • Dlouhé drátkovité listy, které jsou mirně ochnířené ,které pochází z kvalitního clonal AV2
  • Barva stříbřitá zelená
  • Vůně listu ovocná- květinová
  • Barva nálevu světle měděná
  • Chuť je ovocná květinová s mírnou svíravosti.
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů

Čaj opět přišel v atraktivním dvojitém balení, které zachovalo jako čerstvost. Po rozbalení čaj svěží voněl. Chuťově byl, hodně zajímavý trochu připomínal bílé čaje typu Bai Mu Dan. V nálevu byla chuť bílého čaje a charakteristickým darjeeling čaje, který byl květinově ovocný s mírnou svíravostí, chuť se dlouze drží v ústech… Tenhle čaj stojí za ochutnání.

Vzoreček zaslal : https://www.darjeelingteaboutique.com/


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Čaj Room, jejímž autorem je Aleš Bednář, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nezasahujte do díla 3.0 Česko .
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Čaj room is an information website (not only) about tea.We recommend just the products, which has been tested by ourselfs. Čajroom offers advertising only for a tea sample. We test the sample, make a photo of it, add your text and link and also express our own opinion and recommendation.