Sourenee like most other Darjeeling gardens has an interesting story behind its name. Bjoujit Rai, son of the erstwhile Dakman Rai who was as responsible for the establishment of Darjeeling as Llyod, established Sourenitea garden by planting "Saur"–a kind of medicinal tree which grows in this region, and “Rani” which means ‘the queen of the valley’.


A combination of those two words formed the name of the garden. It is a tea garden with a unique scenic beauty. Though the age of the tea estate is more than 100 years old, its oldest tea shrubs are now being replaced with new clonal plants in stages. Purchase some of the finest selected teas from Sourenee as featured below:



Sourenee tea estate is located in the Mirik Valley of Darjeeling. It is over a 100 years and produces much loved teas. The name is a fusion of the two words 'Sour' - the name of a local tree, and 'Rani' which means 'queen of the valley'


All their teas are produced using bio-organic techniques. This is the finest tea they produce from this years (2013) First Flush season.

You can read more about the tea estate here. https://soureneetea.com/

  • Name: Sourenee FTGFOP 1 CH – Organic
  • Flush: First Flush, 2013
  • Origin: Darjeeling, India

Preparation guidelines: Allow 1 teaspoon of tea for each 1.5 dl of water and one more for the teapot. Add freshly boiled water and leave it to infuse for 2-3 minutes. Sieve and serve.


Reviews by Čaj Room :

  • Organicky čaj, pod vedením a kontrolou CUC (Control Union Certification). Čaje z této zahrady splňují také podmínky protokolu HACCP.
  • První sklizeň černého čaje z Darjeelingu, která se vyznačuje lehkým, světlým nálevem s výrazným aroma květů a kopřiv.
  • Drobné jarní lístky čajových keřů mají smaragdově zelenou barvu, s načervenalými okraji.
  •  Nálev je lehký, přitom řízný a plný v chutích, s dlouhým a osvěžujícím aftertastem.
  •  Dávám 10/10 bodů

Prvosběrový darjeeling, který je  organicky, pod vedením a kontrolou CUC (Control Union Certification). Čaje z této zahrady splňují také podmínky protokolu HACCP.Získá si vás chutí u vůní

Vzorek zaslal: www.lochantea.com


Licence Creative Commons
Čaj Room, jejímž autorem je Aleš Bednář, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nezasahujte do díla 3.0 Česko .
Vytvořeno na základě tohoto díla: cajroom.webnode.cz
Práva nad rámec této licence jsou popsána zde: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/cz/.

"Čaj je unikátní tím, že ho vůbec nevyrábějí lidé, ale utváří a produkuje ho sama příroda,"

Čaj room is an information website (not only) about tea.We recommend just the products, which has been tested by ourselfs. Čajroom offers advertising only for a tea sample. We test the sample, make a photo of it, add your text and link and also express our own opinion and recommendation.