LongWu Dragon Well Green Tea

 Review of Tea:  LongWu Dragon Well Green Tea


About the LongWu: Farmer Ge is the third generation in his family to grow tea. The family has been growing tea as a way of life for 100 years. In their ancestry there was a family member who earned the title of "King Producer of West Lake Dragon Well Tea" Currently Farmer Ge and his father own more than 10 acres of land in the town of LongWu, which is a natural tea plantation surrounded by mountains in the southwest of Hangzhou, China.



This classic Chinese green tea is harvested in spring each year and stir fried by Farmer Ge in West Lake, located in the east China. The premium processed dry tea leaves are smooth and flat with a uniform size. They have a golden-green color. After steeping them in hot water, they taste fresh with an earthy aroma. The brewed water is clear and bright with a lighter shade of the golden-green color.


The tea is acknowledged as a famous Chinese Tribute tea.

Grower: LongWu

Region: Hangzhou, China


How To Brew:

These are suggested brewing instructions. We encourage you to experiment and share your own brewing methods as you continue to grow in the tea culture. If you're new to tea this is a good way to start.

Use 2 grams (1/2 tablespoon dried tea leaves) for 8 fl. oz. water in your favorite teapot or infuser (use bottled drinking water for best flavor, let boil and sit to cool slightly for 2-3 minutes). Steep for 2-3 minutes or for a shorter period of time if you would like to taste the subtle flavors of the tea. Leaves may be infused at least 3 times.

Reviews by Čaj Room : A superior Dragon Well, one of the best I’ve tried.  I think that this is one that could satisfy even the most discriminating tea connoisseur.  I highly recommend it!

  • Díky úpravě listu na pánvi  je list typický zploštělý  tenký, dlouhý .
  • Vůně listu velice  jemná s podtónem pečených kaštanů.
  • Barva nálevu světle zelenkavá.
  • Vůně nálevů jemná, květinová, osvěžující.
  • Chuť nálevu ušlechtile aromatická, svíravě osvěžující.
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů

Dračí studna došla v krásné kovové krabičce, která měla dvojité víko, díky tomu zůstala svěží a voňavá.

Superior Dračí studna, jedna z nejlepších, co jsem se pil. Myslím, že tato  by mohla uspokojit i ty nejnáročnější znalce čaje. Vřele ji doporučuji!

Vzorek zaslal: www.tealet.com


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Čaj Room, jejímž autorem je Aleš Bednář, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nezasahujte do díla 3.0 Česko .
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Práva nad rámec této licence jsou popsána zde: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/cz/.

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Čaj room is an information website (not only) about tea.We recommend just the products, which has been tested by ourselfs. Čajroom offers advertising only for a tea sample. We test the sample, make a photo of it, add your text and link and also express our own opinion and recommendation.