Organic Red Tea

Review of Tea: Organic Red Tea

PT Harendong: PT Harendong was started by Dr. Alex Halim with the vision to do green farming to promote a better quality of life for the world. For this reason he made it his commitment to build a sustainable farm and provide healthy and organic products to his customers. His business philosophy extends to his community as he has found ways to inspire other farmers to value sustainability. Alex credits his great tasting tea to his finely tuned skill of processing tea and the natural resources of his environment such as clean mountain water.



Red Tea is most commonly referred to as Black Tea in Western culture, but PT Harendong has crafted this fine tea to demonstrate the true nature of Red Tea as it is known in China. The reddish copper tint of the dry leaf brews a bright red liquor. Its robust and rich flavor shows the difference between Red Tea and English-style Black Tea. It has a rich flavor with a refreshing sweetness. Be cautious to brew lightly because this fully oxidized tea can easily be oversteeped.

  • Region: Banten, Indonesia
  • Tea Farm:PT Harendong
  •  vendor: Tealet Hawai


How To Brew

Use 2 grams (1/2 tablespoon dried tea leaves) for 8 fl. oz. water in your favorite teapot or infuser (use bottled drinking water for best flavor, let boil and sit to cool slightly for 2-3 minutes). Steep for 2-3 minutes or for a shorter period of time if you would like to taste the subtle flavors of the tea. Leaves may be infused at least 3 times. This tea may too strong to enjoy if oversteeped.


These are suggested brewing instructions. We encourage you to experiment and share your own brewing methods as you continue to grow in the tea culture. If you're new to tea this is a good way to start.


Reviews by Čaj Room :

  • Výrobní proces je trochu podobný procesu zpracování čaje typu oolong (čaj má  vůni a chuť oolongu) a z části je proces výroby podobný zpracování  čaji černému (má barvu černého čaje).
  • Díky způsobu zpracovaní, lze čaj skladovat i jako archivní
  • Barva nálevu je tmavě červená až hnědá.
  •  Vůně  nálevu plná, sladká, silně ovocná s medovými tóny.
  •  Chuť je  robustní, hladká s vyzrálou ovocnou až medovou chutí.
  • Dozvuk je příjemný  a má medové tóny.
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů.

Čaj je ideální na přípravu ve stylu Gong Fu Cha nebo ve Zhongu (gaiwanu). A velmi dobře chutná i připravovaný za studena, kdy se dá 5g čaje na půllitru studené vody a louhuje se po dobu 4-8 h, takhle připravený čaj je více výrazný, takhle připravovaný čaj doporučují, přímo pěstitelé.


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Čaj Room, jejímž autorem je Aleš Bednář, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nezasahujte do díla 3.0 Česko .
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Čaj room is an information website (not only) about tea.We recommend just the products, which has been tested by ourselfs. Čajroom offers advertising only for a tea sample. We test the sample, make a photo of it, add your text and link and also express our own opinion and recommendation.