Pesticide- and fertilizer-free sencha from Honyama, Yamakai 2013

Description seller:

Hon.yama refers to the mountainous area to the north of Shizuoka City on the banks of the Abe River. In Ushizuma, Seiji Shigeta grows rice, but also, and above all, tea with neither chemical fertlizer nor pesticide.

Type of tea: Futsumushi (normal-steamed) sencha

Origin: Ushizuma, Aoi Borough, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Cultivar: Yamakai

Harvest: May 2013 (first spring harvest, ichiban cha)

Distributor: Teas of Japan

For him, an "ecological conscience" is not just a commercial selling point, but means careful work to obtain high-quality tea with rich taste and full fragrance. Of course, his tea is steamed in the traditional manner so that the final product is beautiful leaves that are mostly unbroken.

This is a sencha made from the Yamakai cultivar, renowned for its strength and high quality, but also notorious for being difficult to work with.

Mr. Shigeta has no reason to be humble about the result! This sencha is deliciously scented with rustic, sweet fragrances, very dense but very natural. There are no artificial flavourings here.

Prepared a little on the strong side, the liquor also reveals great density, depth with natural scents, mellowness delicately offset by a note of light astringency. All of these fragrances create a delicious sweet length in the mouth that continues to delight the tastebuds long after the tea has been drunk.

Steeping method

    Quantity of leaves: 4-5 g / 1.2-1.5 tsp

    Quantity of water: 70 ml / 1/4 cup

    Water temperature : 70-80°C / 158-176°F

    Steeping time : 60-75 seconds



  • Sencha je bez chemických hnojiv a pesticidů
  • sencha vyrobeny z odrůdy Yamakai Mr. Shigeta
  • zpracovaní tradičním způsobem
  • Krásné jehličkové listy, sem tam rozbité
  • Májí bohatou vůni i chuť
  • Tato sencha je lahodně voňavá sladké vůně, rustikální, velmi hustá, ale velmi přírodní, bez umělých sladkost
  • Nálev je trochu silná, také odhaluje vysokou hustotu, hloubku přírodních chutí, jejichž sladkost je umocněna mírným nádechem svíravosti.
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů


Tato Sencha je velmi zajímavá, je zcela bio a to se promítlo i do jeho chuti. Vše co v čaji cítíme je zcela přírodní její sladkost, vydrží dlouze v ústech a opět mohu jen doporučit.


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