Review: Darjeeling Kalej Valley sftgfop -1 FF2014

The Kalej Valley and Dooteriah tea estate is located near the area named Sonada in Darjeeling district. These 2 wonderful gardens of Darjeeling are owned by the Alchemist group of India. Both these gardens are world renowned for their traditional Darjeeling black teas. Most of the plants in these plantations are “china origin” bushes.


      In the recent years these 2 plantations have really improved by making high quality Darjeeling teas which have been witnessed by various tea lovers around the globe.


     Mr.Yogdeep Gurung (General Manager of Dooteriah and Kalej valley Tea estate) who is also known as a fine Darjeeling tea maker had send us samples of few of his finest Autumn Darjeeling tea lots . We have carefully selected 2 of their finest lots and the descriptions are given below:

Description seller

1st Flush 2014 - Kalej Valley        A very well made classic Darjeeling tea, plucked from the high elevation china bushes of this beautiful tea garden of Darjeeling.

The dry leafs are well sorted, greenish in appearance and has small size silver tips in it. The dry leafs also gives out a very delicious fruity aroma of ripe guavas and peaches. When steeped for complete 4 minutes the cup gives out bright yellow liquor in the cup. Each sip reminds of fresh fruity notes of ripe guavas, almonds and peaches and leaves a smooth and buttery flavour on the palate as an after taste.

A very well made classic Darjeeling tea, ideal for your daily cup of afternoon tea!


Hodnocení čaj roomu :

  • Klasicky darjeeling
  • Krásný list nazelenalé barvy, má konci jsou stříbřité tipsy
  • Lahodná ovocná vůně suchého listu
  • Barva nálevu je žlutá
  • Chuť má ovocné tóny po zralém tropickém ovoci, dále so objevuje chuť i mandle a broskve a nakonec zanechá hladkou a máslovou chuť na patře.
  • Vdám 10/10 bodu


 Velmi dobrý klasický Darjeeling čaj, který si vás získá svojí vůní a chutí a hodí se jako odpolednímu relaxu ,doporučuji ochutnat.

Vzorek poslal:


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