Review of Tea: ChunJian Sheng Pu'er

Review of Tea: ChunJian Sheng Pu'er


Misty Peak Tea : Misty Peak Tea from the Bin Family in Yiwu, Xishuangbanna Yunnan China.

The Bin family has been in tea for countless generations and is fortunate to have nearly 5 acres of wild tea trees in the mountains of Yiwu. This tea is perfectly made with the precision and technique of ages; with the love of a family; and with the taste for greatness.

They specialize in Sheng Chaa Pu’er from a small plantation in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan in the ancient Tea Village of Yiwu. Their product is sought after throughout the world, yet they produce very little.


Xishuangbanna is said to be the area where tea was first planted in the world, and the birthplace of Sheng Chaa Pu’er.

The region is noted for its ancient trees, some as old as 1700 years. For the best Pu’er, it is recommend a tree of at least 100+ years. Bin family tea is from 500 year old Wild Tea Trees in the ancient tea village of Yiwu.


Pu'er tea is often made from a big leaf (called Da Ye) variety of the Camellia Sinensis tree and is often referred to as a fermented tea; however, the actual process is called post-oxidation.


This tea owes its specific and unique qualities to the processing method it undergoes. The process allows for the tea to age very well. Much like wine, good Pu’er tea “gets better with time.”


Whether picked in Spring, Autumn, or Summer, the tea will still be of great quality but will have distinct differences in taste and aroma, and occasionally look. Teas grown in early Spring, prior to the Qing Ming festival, are most prized because of the lack of moisture in the air and high concentration of taste and nutrients in the leaves. Tea picked during Spring-time is called ChunJian Pu’er, whereas the tea picked after the rainy season in Autumn is called Gu Hua Pu’er.



ChunJian Sheng Chaa Pu'er is picked during the Spring-time prior to the Qing Ming festival and is most prized because of the lack of moisture in the air and high concentration of taste and nutrients in the leaves. The Bin family has been in tea for many generations and has nearly 5 acres of wild tea trees in the mountains of Yiwu.


Region: Yiwu, Xishuangbanna Yunnan China


How To Brew

Use 2 grams (1 teaspoon dried tea leaves) for 8 fl. oz. water in your favorite teapot or infuser (use bottled drinking water for best flavor, let boil and steep at 212F). Steep for 30 seconds-1 minute. Leaves may be infused at least 7 times.


These are suggested brewing instructions. We encourage you to experiment and share your own brewing methods as you continue to grow in the tea culture. If you're new to tea this is a good way to start.

Reviews by Čaj Room :

  • Puerh vyroben ze starých čajovníku z rodinné farmy
  • Sbíraný na jaře, což je důvod, proč se mu říká Chunjian (nebo jarní pupeny).
  • krásná směs pupenů načechraných zelených, téměř bílých i tmavých listů. Celé to dává, krásnou barvu s různými odstíny zelené.
  • Zlatožlutý nálev vůně je po sladkém kandované ovocí.
  • Chuť je jemná, sladká
  • Puerh má potenciál k dalšímu zrání, kde se jeho chuť i vůně bude dále dotvářet.
  • Dávám 10/10 bodů

Výborný ChunJian Sheng Pu'er ,který došel v plechové krabičce, kde zůstala zachována jeho vůně, a list se nemohl poničit. Pu erh se hodí k odpolednímu rozjímání, vřele doporučuji.


Ps. Má příprava: 11g čaje na 150ml ,voda 100C ,10 nálevů

1.45s/2.30s /3-4.35s /5.40s /6. 1min /7.2min /8.3min /9.5min /10. 10min


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