Review of Tea: Darjeeling Castleton Moonlight Dj-91 2nd Flush 2013

Castleton Darjeeling Tea Estate :

Originally planted in 1885 by Dr. Charles Graham, the slopes of Castleton span the areas of Kurseong, Pankhabari and the Hill Card Roads. The name Castleton has been derived from a building that looks like a castle and which still exists in Kurseong. This Castle (‘Bank Ghar’) belonged to a money lender who made the grandiose fort. The original name of this garden was Kumseri.

The various sections of these gardens have not been given numbers but names such as Bhalu Khop (bear cave), Jim Basha (the erstwhile manager's domain), Dhobitar (washerman’s clothes line) and Baseri (resting place). Castleton’s teas are created from select and pure China bushes that are exquisite and delicate. The teas have a rose like fragrance, golden like sun-spun amber and are most prized for their unique ‘muscatel’ which is comparable to sweet summer wines with intense fragrant top notes of musk.

Description :

An excellent quality tea made and plucked from the young AV2 clonal bushes of this world famous plantation of Darjeeling. The dry leafs are wiry in appearance and contains a lot of unbroken silver tips in this state. The dry leafs gives out an exotic aroma of exotic fruits, nuts and chocolates.

Area: Darjeeling

Estate: Castleton

Harvest: 2nd Flush

Year: 2013

Lot: DJ 91/ 2013

Designation: Moonlight

Country of origin: India

When steeped for complete 4 minutes the cup gives out bright orange / golden liquor in the cup. Each sip reminds of fruity notes of apples, grapes and slight hint of honey and ends with a muscatel and lemony aftertaste on the palate.


Preparation: 5 teaspoons (15g) of tea per 1l of boiled water, steep for 3 - 5 minutes.

True nectar of 2nd flush 2013 harvest which has multiple layers of exotic flavours in each sip.


Hodnocení čaj roomu :

  • Clonal AV2 čaj
  • Krásný list, má hodně neporušených stříbrných tipsů
  • List voní po exotickém ovoci, ořechách a čokoládě
  • Nálev má oranžově zlatavou barvu
  • Nálev má ovocné tony - jablka, hrozny, mírný náznak medu a končí muscatelem s citronovou příchutí
  • Dávám 9/10 bodů


Krásný čaj ze zahrad Castleton,si vás získá jednak vzhledem, krásnou vůní a báječnou chutí, která má příjemný muscatelový dozvuk, který má citronovou příchuť. Vřele doporučuji ochutnat..


Vzorek zasál:


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