Review of Tea: DIKSAM TGFOP 1, 2ND FLUSH 2013, ASSAM

Tea from the Assam region, a plain which spreads into the easternmost region of India, has strong larger leaves which produce a darker water colour and a full-bodied flavour bringing to mind rich earth. It is perfect for milk tea. It is quite understandable why the local people use this tea to enjoy Chai, an Indian-style sweet and spicy milk tea.


Description: Smaller leaf of dark and gold regular appearance. Liquor of brown-red colour and distinctive, vigorous and slightly astringent nutty-woody taste with dark chocolate aftertaste.

  • Form: Whole leaf
  • Area: Assam
  • Estate: Diksam
  • Harvest: 2ND flush
  • Year: 2013
  • Designation: TGFOP 1
  • Country of origin: India - Assam


Preparation: Allow 4 teaspoons (15g) of tea for 1l of boiled water, let it steep for 3 minutes. You can serve it with milk and honey.


Hodnocení čaj roomu:

  • Drobnější list tmavého pravidelného vzhledu a zlatavé ochmýřené tipsy
  • Nálev hnědočervené barvy
  • výrazná, ráznější, lehce svíravá oříškovo dřevnaté chuti s hořkou čokoládou v dozvuku.
  • Dávám 9/10 bodů

Krásný assamský čaj výrazné chutí s nepatrnou svíravostí ideální na podzimní čajovaní, kdy dodá dostatek energie, vřele doporučuji.


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