Review of Tea: Mini Pu'erh Tea Bar (50gr) - Pu'erh Tea Gift


Review of Tea: Mini Pu'erh Tea Bar (50gr) - Pu'erh Tea Gift



Description :

Made from 2012 'gift tea grade' tea leaves picked by the Teasenz team and pressed into a tea bar. Easy to break and steep right away! Or store this tea for many years to let it ripe even further. A perfect gift to surprise an adventurous tea drinker.


  • Steeping Time -3 min
  • Steeping Temperature -100 °C - 212 °F
  • Grams per Cup    8-9 grams per block, good for several brews in large tea pot
  • Tea Year -2012
  • Tea Season -Autumn
  • Tea Caffeine Content -high
  • Tea Benefits -weight loss
  • Tea Region -Various Villages
  • Tea Province -China
  • Time of the Day- morning, afternoon, evening



Mini Pu'erh Tea Chocolate Bar

Pu'erh tea was never successfully introduced outside of China, because it's so difficult to make Pu'erh tea. Not anymore. With this mini pu'erh that comes in a chocolate bar shape, you can easily break of a piece that is exactly the right amount for steeping at least 3 teapots of Pu'erh tea!


The Ultimate Weight Loss Tea

While most people believe that green tea is the ultimate weight loss tea, In China people usually drink Pu'erh to achieve their diet targets. Pu'erh tea is the most effective when consumed after meals, because it speeds up the metabolism and help you digest.


What kind of tea sets is the best for brewing Pu'erh?

Because Pu'erh tea needs to be steeped at a high temperature, Yixing tea pots are the best for steeping this tea, as of they are excellent in preserving heat. If you plan to use Yixing teapots, we recommend that you buy one pot for ripe pu'erh and another one for raw pu'erh.


Is this a Ripe or Raw Pu'erh tea?

This tea bar is a ripe Pu'erh. Both types are made from the Yunnan big leaf varietal of camellia sinensis tea plant. The difference between the types is that ripe pu'erh is post-fermented before compression into a tea brick. In constrast, raw Pu'erh is slightly fermented (or not fermentated at all) before compression.


How to store Pu'erh Tea?

The main benefit of purchasing Pu'erh is that the quality never fades away as time goes by, in contrast, the taste will only become better and better the longer you store it! This is exactly the reason why Pu'erh comes in different compressed shapes for easy storage. Make sure store the tea in a well-ventilated place with an average humidity (for real pu'erh geeks, 70% would be a good target). Don't keep the tea hermetically sealed, make sure it's in breathable packaging that is suitable for aging.


Hodnocení čaj roomu:

  • Klasický ripe puerh z Yunnanu
  • Lisovaný do tvaru čokolády
  • Vůně je sladká mírně zemitá
  •  Silná plná chuť, lehce hořkosladká, mírně zemitá
  • nápadné cha qi!
  • Temně narudlá barva nálevu
  •  Čaj má potenciál k dalšímu zrání
  • Dávám 9/10 bodů

Tento pu erh má atraktivní balení, je lisovaný do tvaru čokolády, je vhodným dárkem, ale může se uložit i k archivaci. Čaj má temně rudý nálev.Puerh je plný silný s mírnou zemitostí. Vřele doporučuji ochutnat.


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