Review of Tea: Obubu houjicha (basic roast)

Obubu Tea Plantations: Over 15 years ago, president and founder of "Obubu", Akihiro "Akky" Kita, visited Wazuka, Kyoto. The tea produced in this rural district is known as Ujicha, one of the highest quality premium teas in Japan. Akky fell in love with tea and has gone from tea farmer apprentice to one of the most respected growers in the community. In 2004 he met Yasuharu Matsumoto and the two discovered a similar vision to cultivate Wazuka tea and share it directly with tea drinkers around the world. They now manage 4 acres, most this land is abandoned tea fields that are now productive and contributing to the community's economy.


Description : Roasted green tea, or Houjicha (ほうじ茶 sometimes 焙じ茶), is unlike any green tea you’ve tasted before. With a rich, smoky flavor that is simultaneously light and sweet, houjicha has none of the bitterness of traditional green teas. And like decaf coffee, the roasting process removes the caffeine from the leaves making it the perfect after dinner / before bed drink.


We offer four different levels of roasting with the light roast having the weakest smoky flavor, and the smoky roast offering a deliciously deep smoky flavor.


  • Brand: Obubu Tea
  • Style:   Hojicha
  • Caffeine:         Caffeinated
  • Region:           Kyoto, Japan
  • Loose/teabag: Loose
  • Product page: Houjicha - Basic Roast

Steeping Notes:

Houjicha is best steeped with a standard steeping technique using hot water. Some people steep the same batch of leaves over 6 times!

Serves: One person (or two people with smaller cups)

Water amount: 1 tea cup / 6 oz / 180 cc / 180 ml旨(ぬる)だし

Water temperature: 70-100C / 158-212F degrees (NOTE: Use lower temp for less astringency, higher temp for more astringency.)

Tea leaves amount: 1 tablespoon / 5 grams


Teaware: Any teapot will do, although Japanese teapots (kyusu) are the best. Yokkaichi bankoyaki kyusu will actually absorb the bitterness of the tea as it is steeped. If you do not have a teapot, you can use a wide bowl or mug cup, then filter using a net. Paper filters are not recommended, but we’re farmers, we understand you sometimes have to make do with what you have.


Houjicha is especially good for multiple steepings, and a little known secret: take the brewed houjicha leaves, steep it overnight in the refrigerator, and you’ll end up with a light, sweet iced houjicha in the morning. The last of the sugar from the stems is drawn out with this method.


Hodnocení čaj roomu:

  •  Lehce pražené řapíky a netříděné listy zeleného čaje pražené při teplotě 200°C
  • má bohaté, kouřové aroma, které je zároveň lehké a sladké
  • Světle hnědé řapíky a fragmenty listů
  • Vůně listu jemně pečené, nasládlé
  •  Barva nálevů je žlutohnědá
  • Chuť je sladká, jemně pečená až karamelová ořechová
  • Houjicha nemá žádnou z hořkostí tradičních zelených čajů.
  •  Dávám 9/10 bodů

Čaj byl lehce pečený, díky tomu má lehce sladké bohaté kouřové aroma. Díky pražení získává vlastnosti, pro které je oblíbená při stravování dle makrobiotiky. Je velice vhodná jako nápoj před spaním díky nižšímu obsah kofeinu. Čaj je nabízený v Sushi restauracích, doporučuji ochutnat.


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