Description: Black Masala Chai Mix, also known as Chai Tea is mixed with Indian Orthodox Leaves and Masala Spice Chai Powder.(Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Saffron, Cloves, Ginger and Black Pepper).


Orthodox Leaves: The difference is, larger tea leaves which have been allowed to dry in the shade for up to 24 hours - meaning they can be rolled, without cutting and tearing the leaves.


  • Origin: indian
  • Year: 2013
  • Country of origin: India
  • Taste: Sweet Spicy


Suggested Preparation & Serving:

Put four teaspoons of the mix into half a litre of boiling water and let boil for five minutes. Add a quarter to half a litre of milk and sweeten with sugar. (If you prefer honey, add it at the very end.) Bring to a boil again and then take off heat and let sit for five minutes. Pour through a strainer and serve.

A milder infusion may also be prepared by pouring hot water over 4 teaspoons of the mix; strain after 5 minutes, add hot milk and sugar.


Why drink Black Masala Chai Mix?

Masala Chai Mix is good for relaxing and calming the body down. The unique combination of spices, each with its own added benefits makes this tea a must to drink!


Reviews by Čaj Room :

  • Tradiční směs pro přípravu kořeněného čaje Yogi.
  • Vyvážená směs koření a černého čaje, která má schopnost povzbudit a zahřát.
  • Dávám 9/10 bodů

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Čaj room is an information website (not only) about tea.We recommend just the products, which has been tested by ourselfs. Čajroom offers advertising only for a tea sample. We test the sample, make a photo of it, add your text and link and also express our own opinion and recommendation.